Heavenly Soprano
Jacqueline Ward with Noosa Orchestra
Please enjoy the text and translations of these superb arias. Feel welcome to read them ahead of time, or to follow along during the performance. Refer to the printed program for full program notes.

Charles Gounod, 1818-1893
Je veux vivre / I want to live
I want to live
In this alluring dream
This day again!
Sweet flame
I keep you in my soul
Like a treasure!
This intoxication
Of youth
Alas, lasts only a day!
Then the time comes
When we cry
As the heart gives way to love
And happiness flees without return
I want to live
In this alluring dream
This day again!
Sweet flame
I keep you in my soul
Like a treasure!
Away from the gloomy winter
Let me sleep
And breathe in the rose
Before it wilts
Sweet flame,
Stay in my soul
Like a sweet treasure
For a long time, again!
Je veux vivre
Dans ce rêve qui m'enivre
Ce jour encore;
Douce flamme
Je te garde dans mon âme
Comme un trésor!
Cette ivresse
De jeunesse
Ne dure, hélas! qu'un jour!
Puis vient l'heure
Où l'on pleure
Le cœur cède à l'amour,
Et le bonheur fuit sans retour
Je veux vivre
Dans ce rêve qui m'enivre
Ce jour encore;
Douce flamme
Je te garde dans mon âme
Comme un trésor!
Loin de l'hiver morose
Laisse-moi sommeiller
Et respirer la rose
Avant de l'effeuiller
Douce flamme,
Reste dans mon âme
Comme un doux trésor
Longtemps encore!
Dove sono i bei momenti /
Where are the beautiful moments

Dove sono i bei momenti
Di dolcezza e di piacer?
Dove andaro i giuramenti
Di quel labbro menzogner?
Perchè mai, se in pianti e in pene
Per me tutto si cangiò,
La memoria di quel bene
Dal mio sen non trapassò?
Dove sono i bei momenti
Di dolcezza e di piacer?
Dove andaro i giuramenti
Di quel labbro menzogner?
Ah! se almen la mia costanza,
Nel languire amando ognor,
Mi portasse una speranza
Di cangiar l'ingrato cor!
Where are the beautiful moments
Of sweetness and pleasure?
Where have they gone, the vows
Of those deceitful lips?
Why, despite my tears and pain -
For me, everything has changed -
The good memories
Remain within my breast?
Where are the beautiful moments
Of sweetness and pleasure?
Where have they gone, the vows
Of those deceitful lips?
Ah! If only my faithfulness,
Which despite languishing still loves
Will be my hope
To change his ungrateful heart!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791

Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante / I say that nothing frightens me
Georges Bizet, 1838-1875
Je dis que rien ne m'épouvante,
Je dis hélas que je réponds de moi,
Mais j'ai beau faire la vaillante,
Au fond du cœur, je meurs d'effroi
Seule, en ce lieu sauvage
Toute seule, j'ai peur,
Mais j'ai tort d'avoir peur,
Vous me donnerez du courage,
Vous me protégerez, Seigneur
Je vais voir de près cette femme
Dont les artifices maudits
Ont fini par faire un infâme
De celui que j'aimais jadis;
Elle est dangereuse, elle est belle,
Mais je ne veux pas avoir peur,
Non, non je ne veux pas avoir peur!
Je parlerai haut devant elle,
Ah! Seigneur ... Vous me protégerez
[To beginning]
Protégez-moi! O Seigneur!
Donnez-moi du courage!
Protégez-moi, Seigneur!
I say that nothing frightens me
I say alas that I answer for myself
But no matter how brave I am
In the depths of my heart I'm terrified!
Alone, in this wild place
Totally alone, I'm afraid
But I'm wrong to be afraid
You will give me courage
You will protect me, Lord
Soon I will see this woman up close
Whose cursed devices
Have made infamous
The man I once loved
She is dangerous, she is beautiful
But I do not want to be afraid
No, no, I do not want to be afraid!
I will speak loudly in front of her
Ah! Lord ... You will protect me
[To beginning]
Protect me! O Lord!
Give me courage!
Protect me, Lord!
September / September

Richard Strauss, 1864-1949
Der Garten trauert
Kühl sinkt in die Blumen der Regen
Der Sommer schauert
Still seinem Ende entgegen
Golden tropft Blatt um Blatt
Nieder vom hohen Akazienbaum
Sommer lächelt erstaunt und matt
In den sterbenden Gartentraum
Lange noch bei den Rosen
Bleibt er stehen, sehnt sich nach Ruh
Langsam tut er die großen
Müdgewordnen Augen zu
The garden is mourning
the rain sinks coolly into the flowers
Summer shudders
as it meets its end
Leaf upon leaf drops, golden
down from the lofty acacia
Summer smiles, amazed and weak
in the dying garden dream
For a while still by the roses
it [Summer] remains standing, yearning for peace
Slowly it closes its
tired eyes
O mio babbino caro
mi piace, è bello bello
vo’andare in Porta Rossa
a comperar l’anello!
Si, si, ci voglio andare!
E se l’amassi indarno
andrei sul Ponte Vecchio
ma per buttarmi in Arno!
Mi struggo e mi tormento
O Dio! Vorrei morir!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!
Babbo, pietà, pietà!
O mio babbino caro /
O My Dear Daddy

Oh my dear daddy,
I like him, he is very handsome
I want to go to Porta Rossa
to buy the ring!
Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain
I would go to Ponte Vecchio
and throw myself into the Arno!
I yearn and I am tormented
Oh God! I would want to die!
Daddy, have mercy, have mercy!
Daddy, have mercy, have mercy!
Giacomo Puccini, 1858-1924

Antonín Dvořák, 1841-1904
Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém / Song to the Moon
Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém
světlo tvé daleko vidí
po světě bloudíš širokém
díváš se v příbytky lidí
Měsíčku, postůj chvíli
řekni mi, řekni, kde je můj milý!
Řekni mu, stříbrný měsíčku
mé že jej objímá rámě
aby si alespoň chviličku
vzpomenul ve snění na mě
Zasvit' mu do daleka, zasviť mu
řekni mu, řekni, kdo tu naň
O mně-li duše lidská sní,
af se tou vzpomínkou vzbudí!
Měsíčku, nezhasni
Měsíčku, nezhasni!
Moon high and deep in the sky
Your light travels far
You travel around the wide world
and see into people’s homes
Moon, stand still a little while
and tell me where is my beloved
Tell him, silvery moon
that I wrap my arms around him
That he should for at least a while
Recall dreaming of me
Shine on him from far away
and tell him, tell him who waits here
for him
If he dreams of me
may the memory awaken him!
Moon, don’t disappear
don’t disappear!
Moon, don’t disappear!